About Sur del Sur: Argentina,the Country, its People and Culture

El Sur del Sur: Argentina, the Country, its Culture and its People is the first site with information about Argentina on the Internet. It was founded in 1996 by Mario E. Farber and Irene N. Raizboim Farber. Our fundamental objective is to make known the cultural identity of Argentina, inside and outside our territory.

In 1998 the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, according to Resolution No. 730, resolved to declare the Internet Website of Cultural Interest: “El Sur del Sur: Argentina, the country, its culture, and its people”, referring to the excellence of its contents.

Surdelsur.com is a site from Argentina made by Argentines passionate about their country. Its fundamental objective is to make Argentina, the Country, its People, and its Culture, known inside and outside the national territory.

El Sur del Sur, SurdelSurAR, The South of the South, or The Southernmost South are all names referred to our site surdelsur.com. Our site has logotype variations and registered trademarks, for our exclusive use.

Our content

All content present on the pages of the surdelsur.com web portal in Spanish and English versions is the property of: Mario E. Farber, Irene N. Raizboim, and Matías E. Farber, and its total or partial reproduction or publication is expressly prohibited.

To manage the content about Argentina, we counted on specialists, and experts, guest columnists in the different areas of Culture and Biogeography. Original texts are specially written for publication on our Web portal. Each of the articles made by the specialists displays an author box at the top of the article with the name of the specialist collaborator in the area, with a link to the page with his or her profile.

Surdelsur.com also has an extensive range of articles developed and updated by our Editorial Team. The texts are original, and specially made for surdelsur.com. They are not opinion texts. Our articles and reports about Argentina, the Country, its Culture, and its People are based on research and objective information prepared based on data from prominent publications of authorities in the fields of Geography, History, Population, Economic Activities, and Tourism. In all cases, the sources are cited.

The images on our pages are the result of a task of research and compilation of graphic material, provided by museums and collections for digital capture. Said graphic material, composed of old photographs, engravings, and cartography, was later interpreted and processed digitally by our Editorial Team to achieve an original result of our exclusive authorship.

Editorial Team



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Guest columnists in El Sur del Sur

Collaboration of Specialists in different areas for this publication:

Cultural Identity

Fine Arts:

María Teresa Constantin


Angel Fumagalli


Paraná Sendrós


Daniel H. Jacubovich


Horacio A. Agnese


Luis R. Furlán


José Gobello


Gloria y Rodolfo Dinsel


Osvaldo Calatayud

Natural Ciense

Dr.Esteban O. Lavilla

Dr. Juan A. González


Mario E. Farber

Omar L. Zangrandi

Declaration of Cultural Interest

Buenos Aires, April 7, 1998

The SECRETARY OF CULTURE of the PRESIDENCY OF THE NATION Resolves: ARTICLE 1: Sponsor and declare of Cultural Interest the Internet Web Site “El Sur del Sur: Argentina, the country, its culture and its people.” (…) RESOLUTION S.C. No. 730

Ministry of Culture of the Nation: Avda. Alvear 1690, (ZIP: C1014AAQ) Autonomous City of Buenos Aires