Argentina Provinces: Capitals, Area and Population


Argentina Provinces are called each of the 23 federated states that make up the Argentine Nation, which together with the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina, constitute the 24 jurisdictions that integrate the Argentine Republic.

The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, is the capital of Argentina and seat of national government. Argentina is a sovereign state whose system of government is republican, representative and federal. The provinces and Buenos Aires City, are autonomous and dictate their own fundamental laws within the framework of representative and federal system of the Republic.

Argentina ranks fourth in area, in the Americas and eighth in the world. It is the larger country, between the Spanish-speaking countries. Argentina has all climates, for its large territorial development. On its territory they are represented 8 different Argentine geographic regions. Argentina also stands out for its exceptional hydrographic systems and biodiversity of its territory, ethnic wealth and cosmopolitan nature of Argentina’s population. Do not miss the page of maps of Argentina: physical, political and thematic

In this report on the Argentina Provinces, we will show you which are the provinces. In addition to the general data of the provinces of Argentina and the map with the division into provinces, you will find a list with information on the capital, area and location, population and density of each province. You will also see, how the provinces are grouped into regions Northern and Southern provinces: NOA, NEA, Cuyo and Patagonia.

It is necessary to clarify that Argentina does not have states. The portions of territory that in other countries are called states, we in Argentina call provinces.

Map of Argentina Provinces and Capitals

This is the official political map of Argentina since the enactment of Law 26,651 of 10/20/10. This map includes the representation of the two continents: the American and Antarctic continental space, the insular and maritime space, all on the same scale. The map shows the Argentine Republic and neighboring countries with international borders, province boundaries, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, provinces and province capitals.

Argentina Provinces and Capital Facts

Mapa de Argentina con división politica
Official Name:Republic Argentina
Total Surface:3.761.274 km2
American Continent Surface2.791.810 km2
Antarctic Continent Surface969.464 km2
Federal CapitalAutonomous City of Buenos Aires
Political Division1 autonomous city and 23 provinces
GovernmentFederal and Republican Representative
Population40.117.096 inhabitants. 2010 Census.
Language:Castilian Spanish

Capital of Argentina: Autonomous City of BUENOS AIRES

Mapa Cuidada Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Federal CapitalAutonomous City of Buenos Aires
Surface:200 km2
Population:2.890.151 hab.

Read more about Buenos Aires Capital City of Argentina, Capital Federal of the Republic. Find why it’s considered among the 20 largest cities in the world >>

Argentina Provinces List: Capitals, Area and Population

If you are asking yourself what is a province here is the answer:

A province is an area of land that is part of a country, similar to a state or a county

Source: National Geographic

Below we present each of the provinces of Argentina in alphabetical order, with the data of the capital, surface, population and density, location map and coat of arms.


Mapa Provincia de Buenos Aires
Capital City:La Plata
Surface:307.571 km2
Population:15.625.084 hab.


Mapa Provincia de Catamarca
Capital City:San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca
Surface:102.602 km2
Population:367.828 hab.


Argentina Chaco Province Map
Capital City:Resistencia
Surface:99.633 km2
Population:1.055.259 hab.


Mapa de la provincia de Chubut
Capital City:Rawson
Surface:224.686 km2
Population:509.108 hab.


Mapa de la provincia de Córdoba
Capital City:Córdoba
Surface:165.321 km2
Population:3.308.876 hab.


Mapa de la provincia de Corrientes
Capital City:Corrientes
Surface:88.199 km2
Population:992.595 hab.


Mapa de la provincia de Entre Ríos
Capital City:Paraná
Surface:78.781 km2
Population:1.235.994 hab.


Mapa de la provincia de Formosa
Capital City:Formosa
Surface:72.066 km2
Population:530.162 hab.


Mapa de la provincia de Jujuy
Capital City:San Salvador de Jujuy
Surface:53.219 km2
Population:673.307 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de La Pampa
Capital City:Santa Rosa
Surface:143.440 km2
Population:318.951 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de La Rioja
Capital City:La Rioja
Surface:89.680 km2
Population:333.642 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Mendoza
Capital City:Mendoza
Surface:148.827 km2
Population:1.738.929 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Misiones
Capital City:Posadas
Surface:29.801 km2
Population:788.915 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la Provincia de Neuquén
Capital City:Neuquén
Surface:94.078 km2
Population:388.833 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Río Negro
Capital City:Viedma
Surface:203.013 km2
Population:638.645 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Salta
Capital City:Salta
Surface:155.488 km2
Population:1.214.441 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de San Juan
Capital City:San Juan
Surface:89.651 km2
Population:681.055 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de San Luis
Capital City:San Luis
Surface:76.748 km2
Population:432.310 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Santa Cruz
Capital City:Río Gallegos
Surface:243.943 km2
Population:273.964 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Santa Fe
Capital City:Santa Fe
Surface:133.007 km2
Population:3.194.537 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Santiago del Estero
Capital City:Santiago del Estero
Surface:136.351 km2
Population:874.006 hab.

TIERRA DEL FUEGO, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur

Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Tierra del Fuego,
Capital City:Ushuaia
Total Surface:1.002.445 km2
Antartida965.597 km2
Islas Australes3867 km2
Population:127.205 hab.


Mapa y escudo de la provincia de Tucumán
Capital City:San Miguel de Tucumán
Surface:22.524 km2
Population:1.448.200 hab.

Regionalization of Argentina Provinces

We often refer to the provinces according to their location as “northern provinces” and “southern provinces“, however, there is a formal regionalization of the provinces of Argentina according to their location, political division, their social and economic interests.

The created regions were five: NOA (Northwest Provinces of Argentina), NEA (Northeastern Provinces of Argentina), Nuevo Cuyo (Western Provinces of Argentina), Patagonia (Southern Provinces of Argentina), and Centro Buenos Aires. Later in 1999, the NOA and the NEA have formed, in turn, the Norte Grande Region.


5 regions that group the provinces of Argentina

NOA: it is geographically located in the northeast sector of Argentina. It covers the provinces of Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Catamarca and Santiago del Estero.

NEA: occupies the northeast region of the Argentine territory. It includes the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Misiones and Corrientes.

Nuevo Cuyo Region is in the west central area of ​​the country. It covers the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis and La Rioja.

Patagonia: is the region located in the south of the Argentine territory. The southern provinces are La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.

Central and Buenos Aires Region: occupies the central and eastern region of Argentina. It includes the provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA).

Note: For a more detailed information about Argentina Provinces you can access the article full version in Spanish.

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