Argentina map, the best selection in maps of the country. Easily and quickly find the map of the Argentine Republic you are looking for: Political and physical map of Argentina, also called descriptive. We also present thematic maps in all their varieties: relief, climate, geographic regions, tourist attractions, environmental characteristics, population density and economic activities. Additionally, you can check the links with reports on each of the map topics!
List and types of Argentina Geographical Maps that you will find on this page:
Since the report is extensive, we have made a list where we explain the types of maps we offer, so that you can quickly and easily find the one you are looking for:
Reference Map
Reference map, is the general map where different aspects of the territory are described on the same surface, as the following:
Thematic Maps
A thematic map is one that describes a specific aspect, a particular theme, as the following:
- Types and varieties of climate
- Geographic regions
- Biogeographic regions
- Tourist and archaeological attractions
- Demographic map
- Economic activities map
Political map of Argentina Provinces:
The political map, is the one that emphasizes the representation of the territorial division for administrative, legal and political purposes.
Continental Argentina Political Map
Political map of Argentina with the provinces in different colors, it is a detail that highlights the part of the Argentine territory, located in the American continent. In the lower right box, the part of Argentina represented is indicated in a darker tone. Clicking on the map opens the version to download and / or print in A4 at 150 dpi
Bicontinental Argentina Political Map
The Argentina Political Bicontinental map, is the official version according to the Law 26.651 of 10/20/10. This map includes the representation of the two continents: the American and Antarctic continental space, the insular and maritime space, all on the same scale.
Both maps show the limit of the Argentine Sea, and the outer limit of the continental shelf of Argentina, as presented by the Commission on the Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf COPLA in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (CONVEMAR ). The report before the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on April 21, 2009, was modified on October 28, 2016. Finally, on August 25, 2020, the Executive Power promulgated Law 27,757 on Maritime Spaces.
Physical and Political Argentina Blank map
Blank maps for didactic purposes.
Blank Continental Argentina Map
Blank Bicontinental Argentina Map
The blank map is the map on which the names of geographical features, provinces, capitals, etc. are not written. It is used for educational purposes, to color and write the names of the provinces and their capitals. It is also used to make physical maps. Clicking on the map opens the version to download and / or print in A4 at 150 dpi
Learn more about limits, lengths and dimensions of Argentina >>
Find maps, location, area and population of each province of Argentina >>
Physical Map of Argentina
The physical map is an image where the main physical and morphological features of the Argentine territory are presented. In such a way, that the physical map of Argentina can describe the orography, altimetry, bathymetry and hydrography of our territory. The ones we present below are physical maps of Argentina that represent the orography and hydrography of Argentina, with emphasis on different aspects that we explain below:
This is an physical orographic map, with modern representation of the relief and geographical features.
Includes mountain ranges with name and exact height of the main peaks. Also, provincial and national limits.
The map also presents a detail of the main rivers and their tributaries, the lagoons and reservoirs, and the Atlantic coast and its main features.
Unlike the previous one, this physical map is also alti-bathymetric because it includes, in addition to the heights, the geographical depressions. In it, the heights and depressions are represented, by color graduations, whose equivalence in meters is explained in the references. It also contains the main hills, mountain ranges, ranges and peaks of Argentina. It also has the names of the provinces, which allows us to understand which province each of the geographical features belongs to, and its proximity to the main cities.
This alti-bathymetric physical map of Argentina has the representation of the altimetry of the mountain areas with their names. It also includes the study of the bathymetry of depressions, including submerged areas. The different heights and depressions are defined by color according to their altitude, and depth. Like the previous one, it is an alti-bathymetric map but it differs, by not presenting in detail the peaks and heights of the same. It also features the main rivers.
Orography is the part of physical geography that is responsible for the study, description and representation of the land relief. Orographic maps represent relief, including the study of depressions or bathymetry; and the representation of the elevations with their altimetry.
Hydrography is the part of physical geography that studies and describes seas, rivers, lakes, and other streams of water.
Argentina Regions Map
Map of 8 geographic regions of Argentina
This map represents 8 geographic regions with 19 subregions
This is a simplified version that only shows the 8 regions without subregions
Due to our extensive territory and its great biodiversity, there are different approaches to the number of geographic regions present in our country, and how to define them. This map shows the presence of 8 geographic regions, differentiated by color. The approach used, takes into consideration for the division of the regions, certain homogeneity in the relief, climate and resources.
Read about Argentina geographic regions >>.
Ecoregions Map
This map defines 18 ecoregions of the Argentine territory. Although it does not include Antarctica in the classification, it covers the region corresponding to the Argentine Sea.
Environmental Map
The environmental map is the same as the ecoregions, but adds the emblematic flora and fauna. In addition, it contains the location of the National Parks and natural sites distinguished by UNESCO as World Heritage of Humanity.
Argentina Biogeographic Regions Map
Biogeographic Regions
The continents are divided into regions, some of which are represented in our country. This map of Argentina indicates the two biogeographic regions of our country: The Neotropical Region and the Antarctic Region. The Neotropical Region covers most of our country, as you can see.
Biogeographic Domains
Argentina has 5 Biogeographic Domains, which make up the biogeographic regions, which are indicated in the preceding map. On each of the Domains we have developed a report, which indicates which Biogeographic Provinces make it up and their characteristics. It also contains specific maps.
Argentina Biogeographic Provinces Map
- Amazonian Domain of Argentina
- Yungas Province
- Parana Province
- Chaco Domain
- Pre-Puna Province
- Chaco Province
- Monte Province
- Espinal Province
- Pampa Province
- Patagonian-Andean Domain
- Puna Province
- Altoandina Province
- Patagonia Province
- Subantarctic Domain of Argentina
- Argentine Antarctic Domain
The map presents 13 biogeographic provinces, which are part of the 5 Biogeographic Domains that make up our country. Clicking on the domain you will find the description of each province: location, geographical characteristics, climates, native flora and fauna, and human activity of each province.
The Biogeographic Provinces are different from the 23 Argentine provinces that are showing in the political division that are also marked on the maps.
These maps generated by our team are based on an extensive report, made up of several articles. This study takes into account the biogeographic characteristics of Argentina, and consequently the insertion of our country in the continent and in the world.
Argentina Climate Map
Map of Variety of Climates
Map where the different types of climates are represented: hot, temperate, arid and cold. Each climatic zone is divided in turn into varieties, completing a total of 17 different varieties.
Climate Types Map
This map shows in general features, 4 major climatic regions, but also – unlike the previous climatic map – it shows all arid climates under the same color.
Argentina Attractions Map
Tourist Map
Map of Argentina showing tourist activities. It includes places of interest for adventure tourism, rural, nature observation, historical-cultural and religious. In addition, it indicates the areas corresponding to the practice of water sports, winter sports, and hunting and fishing. Also located on said map are the locations of spas, hot springs and spas, museums, and shopping centers.
Archaeological Map
Map of the Argentine Republic that shows the main archaeological sites of Argentina. The map divided into provinces, indicates through icons the location of ruins, menhirs, caves, rock art, high-altitude sanctuaries, burial places, shell, counties, archaeological sites and museums. Each of them bears the name of the archaeological site.
Report with images, on the multiple destinations offered by the tourism industry >>
Demographic Map
Argentine Republic map where the demographic density by province is indicated. Graph made with data from the INDEC 2010 National Population, Household and Housing Census. For more information on the analysis of the results of the last census, the territorial distribution of the Argentine population, indigenous population and migratory movements see our report:
Read more about distribution and composition of population in Argentina >>
Learn more about how the first settlers arrived in the region >>
Know more about indigenous peoples >>
Economic Activities Map of Argentina
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- Ministerio de Educación. Mapoteca
- IGN: Instituto geográfico Nacional
- Argentina Biogeography maps: Instituto Lillo data for